Saturday, August 20, 2011

Janice Hahn leads imaginary election

Janice Hahn released some internal poll numbers for a Democratic primary in the new 44th district. Hahn leads Laura Richardon 47%-24% with Isadore Hall getting 7% and 22% undecided.

That's great except there won't be a Democratic primary in 2012. So they could've polled Hahn's numbers on becoming Snow White at Disneyland. Isn't that where imaginary things happen? There will be a jungle primary next June. The district is 64% Democrats, 14% Republican, 18% Decline to State, and 4% other parties. The article isn't clear whether it's only Democrats who are polled, but if they're using words like "Democratic primary" that seems likely. There's no Republican in the race and that could change things. If the numbers are only Democrats, Richardson's 24% could be only 15% of the overall electorate. She might finish third.

The numbers do show Hahn leading Richardson, 47% to 26% one on one, the way the November election will be. If those numbers were to hold up, Hahn should win regardless whether this poll is Democrats or the whole electorate. And November 2012 is two elections from now.

Of course they aren't polling for results that'll happen 15 months from now or even 10 months from now. They're trying to encourage Richardson to run elsewhere and hope these numbers push her to that.

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