Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Jumpin' Joe Lieberman Retires

Progressives are celebrating Lieberman's retirement, but this is a win for Republicans too. Democrats had to defend 21 seats next year. While Lieberman and Sanders caucus with them, the DSCC doesn't have to worry about supporting them. They'd be on their own. If they wanted to, the Democrats could've run a candidate and spent their dollars elsewhere, knowing that the winner would almost definitely caucus with them.

Now, however, the Democrats will have to support a candidate. They'll have to put their own money, and they don't have any more popular statewide elected officials like Richard Blumenthal. I think Democratic chances have gone up slightly, but defense costs more than offense. So the Democrats will have to spend more to win a seat that will still caucus with them. Any resources pulled away from other races is a net plus.

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