Friday, January 18, 2013

15 Year-olds Voting?

We were waiting for the next way Democrats could get a leg up and they've found it. They're going to start registering 15 year olds to vote when they get a learner's permit. Having millions of people in the voter database who aren't eligible to vote can lead to all sorts of shenanigans. Don't believe me?

When canvassing neighborhoods last fall I found a 16 year old who was mistakenly registered to vote. She was quite embarrassed about it and her mother had no idea how it happened. She didn't plan to vote, but she certainly could've gone to the polls and cast a vote. Yes, it would've been illegal but the poll workers wouldn't have stopped her. That's one person that I met when they're not supposed to have any 16 year olds in their database. What happens when they do?

That's not even mentioning that it makes it that much easier for someone dishonest anywhere along the line to commit voter fraud. Of course there's also the issue that in three years the 15 year old could be living somewhere other than his or her current address. I'm fine on making it easy for a person to vote, but they should have to put in some effort the year of their first vote.

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