Friday, September 26, 2014

CA-SD35 special set for December 9

California governor Jerry Brown has set the date for the SD-35 special as December 9 with a run-off, if necessary, on February 10. As expected Democratic Assemblymen Isadore Hall and Steven Bradford have declared. While the 80 assembly districts aren't nested in the 40 senate districts, their two districts make up most of SD-35. Perennial candidate Mervin Evans will also be on the ballot. He's always on the ballot. I'm shocked he isn't running for anything in November.

Soon to be incarcerated ex-state senator Rod Wright won the district 77%-23% in 2012. So there are a few pockets of Republicans, mostly in Bradford's district. If the GOP doesn't run a candidate, either Hall or Bradford could get 50% in the election and avoid a run-off. If there's a Republican on the ballot, that won't happen. I doubt the Republican would make a run-off. Then it'd be a match-up between the two assemblymen.

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